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Air Ambulance Access to the United States Amid COVID-19


There are many countries that depend on the United States for emergency medical facilities. Often air ambulance is the only way to get the right treatment for these countries. For example, Bermuda has historically relied on the US for high-quality emergency medical treatment. The dependence is to the extent that insurance companies in this country cover the expenses incurred in the United States. With a distance that is not too far, air ambulance companies are often able to reach the destination without the need for too much time. However, all that is set to change now due to the COVID-19 situation, which is refusing to relent.

Hindrance to Seamless Air Ambulance Services

Recently, hospitals in Bermuda have been urging the citizens of the country to get fully vaccinated. The country is viewing the possibility of the US not allowing its citizenry in for emergency treatment if they are not fully vaccinated. The move is seen as a fair ask as the US has been battling the pandemic in spite of having one of the best vaccination drives in the whole world. Besides, the US has been struggling to get its citizens to vaccinate themselves in certain parts of the country. This makes the country’s population highly susceptible to newer variants of the COVID-19 virus.

Awareness About Vaccination the Need of the Hour

People today – not just in Bermuda or the southern United States – need to be educated about the benefits of vaccination. In this context, it must be noted that gaining natural immunity by contracting the disease is not the best move forward. If the same logic had been applied when the world, at one point, was reeling under diseases like polio, half the world today would have been suffering from physical malformations. The issue goes beyond being able to avail air ambulance services, it is about collectively overcoming the pandemic.

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