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Air Ambulance Helicopters – Enhancing Survivability in the Event of a Crash


Air ambulance helicopters run into several hundred in the United States of America. Thanks to the free flow of private equity, every state has at least one air ambulance company to serve the general public. However, the fact that these are privately run for-profit businesses also brings along certain limitations. These limitations are the direct result of the profit intent behind the commencement of the service in the first place. For these air ambulance companies increasing safety translates into higher costs, which need to be passed on to the end consumers ultimately. With a lot of hue and cry in the country surrounding air ambulance costs, it is a tough situation to be in for medical flight companies.

The Causes of Death in Air Ambulance Crashes

The fire caused by crashes and blunt-force trauma is known to be the most prevalent cause of death. A survey has revealed that 73 percent of all deaths are caused by blunt force trauma and 27% are due to fires. These are the findings of the data collected since 1989. There have been several standards that have been set by various organizations in the United States, but noncompliance is a worry. Some of these standards are voluntary. This allows air ambulance companies to skip them. Also, certain standards are only applicable to helicopters that are manufactured and certified after a particular date.

Safety is More Important in the United States

The United States has the most number of air ambulance companies and choppers in the entire world. Obviously, the possibility of crashes too increases with this number. Then, there is the issue of ensuring that all the safety regulations are followed. All these factors combined with the fact that most of them are run by for-profit organizations makes it imperative that the nation pays close attention to the safety of these aerial vehicles.

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