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Air Ambulance Proposal of Wyoming – The Responses


We had previously discussed the fact that Wyoming is trying to pass a law that would make air ambulance services a public utility and private companies would no longer have control over the prices they charge. Now, here is a new development in this regard. Last Friday, the Department of Health explained the proposal to the legislators of Wyoming and the response was not all that positive. The air ambulance industry has already made its apprehensions about the proposal clear. It seems that the lawmakers too are a bit sceptical about it. The primary concern seems to be the fact that a number of bases will have to be closed if the proposal becomes a law.

The Air Ambulance Plan Needs Federal Approval

If passed, the air ambulance costs would be covered by Medicaid and medical flight companies would have to bid against each other to get access to service the state. Since Medicaid is partly Federal, an agreement between the state and the Federal Government is necessary. It is worthy to note in this context that it is a federal law of 1978 that prevents states from regulating air ambulance prices.

Putting the worries about closing air bases to rest, one lawmaker highlighted that the whole issue needs to be viewed in a different light. Instead of seeing it as closing airbases, one must consider it opening bases such that efficiency is in place. However, people opposing the proposal had a different take. They questioned how it would be more efficient to people who live closer to these bases.

About 4000 People Use Air Ambulance Services in Wyoming Annually

That is a huge number. There are also fears that due to the relocation and closing of certain bases, people might be forced to take ground ambulance services as suddenly the nearest airbase becomes geographically distant.

While the lawmakers of the state sort issues like this, for the rest of the country, it is a wait and watch.

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