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Angel Medical Flight gets NAAMTA Accreditation


Quality accreditations have been a way of telling the world that quality matters in the air ambulance industry. Angel Medical Flight has now moved in this direction by getting the accreditation by National Accreditation Alliance Medical Transport Applications or NAAMTA. The quality certification body has an extensive process through which it verifies several aspects pertaining to safety and quality of the medical flight operations. Angel Medical Flight is certainly going to be proud of its achievement in coming good on this test. Angel Medical Flight will now be a member of the NAAMTA alliance. The organization is an independent body that safety-certifies medical flights in the United States.

A Little About NAAMTA Medical Flight Accreditation

The organization has the distinction of being the only accreditation body that has an ISO 9001:2008 certification. NAAMTA is a leader in its realm and its certification is recognized United States Department of Defence. It focuses mainly on ongoing improvement, patient care, and transportation safety during the accreditation process.

What Does the Accreditation Mean for Angel Medical Flight?

Of course, it shows that Angel Medical Flight is committed to quality of service and care of patients. It also makes it easy for possible customers / patients to choose Angle Medical Flight due to the certification.

It must be noted that the standard of medical care in the United States is among the highest in the world. So, when an air ambulance company is accredited by a US organization, it is naturally recognized all over the world. For a company that serves patients beyond the US borders, it is a great advertising tool, and Angel Medical Flight might use this tool in the days to come.

Angel Medical Flight boasts a sizeable fleet of Learjet. It is also believed to have an extensive network spanning insurance providers in different states. The accreditation is certainly going to help Angel Medical Flight in the highly competitive air ambulance industry.

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