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Call for Air Ambulance Service in Northern Ireland Gathers Steam


“Motorcycle doctor” John Hinds was a staunch campaigner for air ambulance service in Northern Ireland. The much loved doctor had lost his life recently in the line of duty and the calls to make his dream a reality had gotten stronger. Recently, the country’s health minister, Simon Hamilton, had promised that he would do everything in his power so that Northern Ireland has its own air ambulance service through charities.


85,000 People Petition for Air Ambulance Service

For John Hinds’ family, it has been nothing short of an overwhelming experience to see more than 85,000 people signing the petition to the health ministry. It is estimated that establishing an air ambulance service would demand over 200,000 pounds annually, a small price to pay for the countless lives that would be saved during medical emergencies. Dr. Janet Acheson, the partner of Dr. Hinds said in a briefing recently that she and the family welcomed the health minister’s announcement. MLA Jim Allister too has been vocal in support of an air ambulance service for the region. Dr. Hinds’ family, however, went ahead signing the petition.

The Motorcycle Fraternity Rallies for Air Ambulance Service

Dr. John Hinds had been an emergency medicine specialist and would accompany racers on his superbike and was always available for help during any mishap. He was pretty popular in the racing circuits in Northern Ireland. In view of this, racing top gun, William Dunlop along with his team arrived at Stormont to show his solidarity for the air ambulance service cause. He is the son of famous racer, Robert Dunlop, who lost his life in 2008 during a racing mishap.

The petition was started by Stephen Henderson and John Allen after Dr. Hinds’ death. The petitioners have welcomed the announcement by the health minister but with caution. Most of the people opined that there was still a lot to be done so that Northern Ireland gets an air ambulance service of its own, something that most of the United Kingdom already has.

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