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Some Cool International Air Ambulance Apps


In today’s date, there is hardly any sector that smartphone apps have not been able to penetrate, and international air ambulance industry is no exception. Here, we discuss a few air ambulance apps that have made news. Each app that we discuss has some connection to the international air ambulance industry. While some of these intelligent apps provide better coordination, others have simply helped raise money for charitable international air ambulance services.

The International Air Ambulance Apps that Have Been Making News

Augmented Interactive Reality (A.I.R.) Ambulance: Developed by Midlands Air Ambulance, United Kingdom, this app has just one objective and that is to raise money for the charitable organization. All you need to do is install this app in your smartphone and glide it over a banknote. You will immediately see some air ambulances in action on your smartphone screen. The objective here is to raise the awareness about international air ambulance services and to enable people to donate money. Midlands Air Ambulance is completely funded by the public and incurs a cost of 2500 pounds everytime it goes on a mission.

Devon Air Ambulance Trust: This app enables you to donate money to Devon Air Ambulance Trust, UK. However, the app goes a step further and incorporates geo-location technology. The air ambulance, app not only gives people an idea of where they are located during emergencies but also gives out the geo coordinates that is necessary for international air ambulance crews to find patients.

GoodSam: This app has been developed by neurosurgeon and air ambulance physician, Dr. Mark Wilson. The app creates a network of people who are willing to offer a helping hand during medical emergencies. If interested in being part of this network, people just have to download this free app. During an emergency, the app sends an SOS message to the nearest members for help. It also helps the members locate the nearest facility that has defibrillator equipment.

Heli-Now: This app has been developed by Life Flight chopper pilot, Jim Cooper. The app aims to cut the time taken by air ambulance services to reach the patients. Often, when exact locations of patients are not known, precious minutes are lost by air ambulances in locating them. The app aims to cut this time, which in turn will also facilitate better coordination for aircrews. Better coordination also means more aircrew safety.

Find-ER: This app has been developed by Air Ambulance Card in public interest. The company deals in prepaid international air ambulance services. Through the app, users can locate nearest hospitals, hospital routes and contact information. It even allows the users to store vital medical information about them, which can come handy during an emergency treatment.

International Air Ambulance Services are Going Beyond their Call of Duty

Development of smart apps is just one of the many initiatives that international air ambulance companies are taking to make the world a safer place. With the kind of interest that international air ambulance services are showing in the field, the day wouldn’t be far when people will have access to these life savers with just a touch of their smartphones.

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