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Former Patient Prepares for Marathon to Thank Air Ambulance Service that Saved Her


A woman who has survived a freak fall is preparing to participate in a cycling marathon to help raise funds for the air ambulance service that came to her rescue. Karen Brooke suffered serious brain injuries when she slipped on ice two years ago. Luckily, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance responded immediately and transported her to Leeds General Infirmary for emergency treatment. She now wants to thank the air ambulance that helped save her life.

Karen to Participate in Pedal for Pounds to Support Air Ambulance Service

Karen Brooke had been a keen cyclist before her accident. And now the 51-year-old has signed up for the 8th annual Pedal for Pounds. Pedal for Pounds is a charity bike ride in which participants will have to cycle for 260 miles. The ride will occur on the “Wagner Way”, which starts from Dortmund, Germany and ends at Huddersfield.

Made by Cooper will be sponsoring the event. Pedal for Pounds is part of the joint “Keep It Up” campaign by Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Huddersfield Town Football Club. The campaign was launched in 2009 and has since resulted in more than £1.4 million raised. The funds raised through the campaign are equally split between the air ambulance service charity and the HTAFC’s Academy.

Karen’s Training Ongoing Despite Limited Movement

Karen’s accident caused life-changing injuries and limited her movement. Despite being able to walk only short distances using a stick, she has continued her training for the marathon. She hopes to be able to cover 20-30 miles of the route every day using a tandem that has been provided to her by the community cycling project of Streetbikes.

Streetbikes will also be providing Karen with co-riders for the marathon. She trains every day using her home static bike and trains every week with Streetbikes. She also undergoes swimming and physiotherapy sessions regularly.

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