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Magpas Ends 2017 With Highest Medical Flight Callout Rate Till Date


Magpas Air Ambulance saw an increase in demand for their 24/7 service during 2017. Their highly-trained medical flight team had to respond to more than 1,600 life-threatening emergencies in all the countries located east of England. That’s an increase of more than 100 in the callout rate, compared to their rate in 2016.

Magpas Called Out 155 Times in December Alone

In the month of December alone, Magpas had to respond to 155 emergency calls, out of which 55 of them took place between Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. For all the responses, doctors and paramedics working for the charity were able to treat a wide variety of medical emergencies with their expert skills and knowledge.

During this period, the medical flight team had to attend to patients facing cardiac arrests and injuries from accidents such as road traffic collision and falls as well as assaults. Magpas saw a significant increase in the number of these incidents for 2017, compared to the previous year.

Need For Magpas Medical Flight Demonstrated by Increase in Callout Rate

The substantial increase in callout rate demonstrates that there is an increasing demand for the service provided by Magpas Air Ambulance. During the festive season, theirs was the only service of its kind to operate 24/7 in east England.

Magpas has made a prediction that the need for their service will also increase in 2018. This means they will need to raise nearly £5 million to ensure that their operations stay on track to save lives of seriously ill and injured residents of the region.

The air ambulance runs on donations from the communities that they provide their service to. They hope to be able to gather the necessary funds to continue their operations in 2018.

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