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Moscow’s Medical Flights Prepare for FIFA 2018


Moscow is hosting the world cup of the most popular game on earth – soccer. The event will make Russia a host to parties that will see no end for a long time. However, what comes with all this fun and economic activity is the responsibility to care for the fans who will visit the country from around the world, especially Europe. The medical flights of the country will have a big role to play if things are to run smoothly. The preparations have already started and we take a look.

Medical Flights are Already Preparing for Trial Runs

The Mayor’s office of Moscow, in a statement, has revealed that medical flights will be run on a trial basis to prepare for the big days. The trial runs will begin on June 1st. The city of Moscow has a good network of 31 landing pads that medical flights can make use of. Moscow will have all of its three helicopter units ready for any eventualities. The major concerns during the event will be heart attacks, strokes and accidental injuries.

There are Several Games Lined up in Moscow

The world cup would be held between the 14th of June and 15th of July. The two well-known stadiums of Moscow, which are Spartak and Luzhniky will play host to 12 matches in total. Most crucially, these stadiums will also host the semi finals and finals, which are slated to attract huge crowds. A point to be noted is that soccer fans are known for their diehard loyalty to their teams, which often translates into heated arguments and later, most often than not, into alcohol-fuelled brawls. Keeping all these factors in mind Moscow has rightly sought to be well prepared in advance to tackle situations like these. The medical flights will be operating round the clock starting from June 1st and will continue to do so until the 15th of July.

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