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New Medical Flight Service for Wisconsin Residents


Residents of central Wisconsin will once again be able to gain access to a 24-hour medical flight service as a result of a new agreement formed by Marshfield Clinic Health Systems. The clinic made an announcement on the 12th that they have partnered with Life Link III, which is based out of Minneapolis in Minnesota.

New Base of Medical Flight Service Operations Set Up

Marshfield Medical Center’s medical director, Brian Hernaman has stated that the new base of operations for Life Link has been established in what was once the “Spirit of Marshfield” hangar at St. Joseph’s Hospital. They will be using the existing facility in the campus such as the fuel system facility and the office space.

The medical flight service will be overseeing scene responses in and around the Marshfield campus. It will stretch to the north of Wasau and past Wisconsin Rapids in the south, and extend all the way towards Tomah. With the existing Life Link III base in Rice Lake, the service will basically cover the entire service area of Marshfield Clinic Health Systems.

Life Link III to Use its One-Call System

Life Link III will continue using its one-call system, which involves collaboration with other air ambulance providers and dispatch centers in the county and municipality. The goal would be to dispatch the most appropriate helicopter for each patient in need of transport by air.

They will have operators standing by and taking calls from local EMS to find the closest helicopters to dispatch even if it’s not a Life Link helicopter. So if a Life Link helicopter isn’t going to be able to reach the patient in time, the operator will send the quickest and nearest helicopter to transport the patient. This could save many lives as the service is working towards doing what’s best for the patients.

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