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New Reach Air Medical Service Helicopter to Cater to Montana Residents


REACH Air Medical Service has announced that a new type of helicopter will be serving the Bozeman, Montana region. Their Bozeman base will be provided with a new Airbus H125 helicopter to improve the quality of service in the region. They chose the model specifically to fulfil the service requirements in Montana.

New aircraft Offers Increased Safety

The new Airbus H125 is specifically suitable for service in Montana because it has high-reliability rates and is capable to fly in higher-altitude regions. The model also has safety features that make it ideal for service in the region. It is also customized to be used in air medical service, having the capacity to transport a three-person flight team along with the patient.

REACH has further enhanced the capability of the aircraft by equipping it with night-vision goggles and autopilot systems. The helicopter also has snow pads to increase landing safety during winters and advanced terrain awareness warning systems to improve navigation. All of these features will optimize the level of safety and quality of service provided by REACH.

These features are all crucial for providing better air transportation service to patients in rural regions. REACH Air Medical President, Sean Russell has stated that the new H125 will help them in better serving patients in need.

Aircraft to be Manned by Highly Skilled Air Medical Service Staff

In addition to the aircraft being heavily equipped with high-level features, it will also be operated by a team of highly-skilled paramedics and pilots. REACH takes care to staff both of their Montana bases with highly-qualified teams. Both the Bozeman base and the Helena base have a 24/7 critical care transport team. This team comprises of a pilot, a flight paramedic, and a flight nurse. These highly-skilled clinicians are capable of providing ICU-level medical care to patients in need.

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