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No Distress Call Went Out during the Recent Medical Flight Crash


We had recently covered the medical flight crash that occurred in Bismarck, North Dakota. The crash had killed all three aboard the air ambulance. The crew was en route to pick up a patient from a nearby area called Williston. The preliminary investigations have revealed that there were no distress calls that went out from the unfortunate medical flight before it crashed into the woods. It has been reported that there was no fire when it was mid air. It is interesting to note that there were no adverse weather conditions either that could have led to the crash.

The Names of the Medical Flight Victims have been Released

The people who lost their lives included Todd Lasky who was the pilot and 48 years of age, Chris Iverson was the paramedic who was 47 years old and Bonnie Cook who was the nurse was 63 years old. The investigations revealed that all three lost their lives owing to blunt force trauma from the crash. It is also believed that the medical flight simply ‘broke’ mid air. The investigators say that this theory is corroborated by the fact that there was scattered debris all around in the crash area. The wreckage area was roughly about one mile long and about 600 feet in width. The wings, tail area, propellers, engines, cabin and cockpit have been recovered so far. It was a Cessna 441 turboprop medical flight.

Investigations into the Crash Might Go On for a Few Months

Kyle Kirchmeier who is the Sheriff of Morton County said that the investigations might go on for a few months before we know the precise cause of the crash. He added that, at present, they are unaware of any reasons why the medical flight ‘broke’. The National Transportation Safety Board has taken over the investigation.

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