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Salida, Colorado, Gets its Own Air Ambulance Service


Salida belongs to the Chaffee County in Colorado, United States, and has the distinction of being the most populous city in the county. However, until recently Salida did not have its own air ambulance service.

Often, the patients, in need of critical care, have to be shifted to Front Range from Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center for adequate treatment. The lack of Salida’s own air ambulance service was proving to be a hindrance. Things have changed drastically with this city getting its own air ambulance now. So much so, that the travel time has been cut into half.

EagleMed is Now Providing Air Ambulance Service to the Region

EagleMed air ambulance service, which transports over 8000 people each year and operates out of 30 locations, is now serving Salida Hospital District. A viability check was conducted by Mike Wilbur who is a former military pilot himself. He did this on behalf of the Salida Hospital District.

The Air Ambulance Service Will Not Cost Tax Payers a Single Penny

EagleMed is offering this service at highly competitive rates that is in line with its service charges in other areas in the United States. On top of that, when people opt to join the AirMedCare Network, they do not have to pay any money out of pocket. The amount that is not covered by the insurance company is covered by the air ambulance service provider.

Salida was in desperate need for a service like this. Last year alone, about 118 people had to use air ambulance service to reach Front Range. The consultant for EagleMed, Jim Gregory, revealed that the air ambulance service would be available throughout the day and on all days of the week.

The chopper will be stationed at the Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center. All arrangements for this will be EagleMed’s responsibility. The air ambulance service provider has also agreed to bear the cost of hosting the chopper in this location.

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