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STARS Air Ambulance Conducts “Rescue Missions” for Charity


Every year, STARS Air Ambulance conducts a fund-raising event where prominent members of business community are left stranded in an island and “rescued” only once they raise enough money for STARS Air Ambulance. This year, seven prominent personalities were left stranded in an island in Manitoba. In all, the event raised over half a million dollars. The charity event is now in its third successful year.

The Participants in the Air Ambulance Charity Event this Year

The participants this year were:

  • VP of Chabot Enterprises Ltd Nicole Chabot
  • Chairperson of Aboriginal Chamber of Commerce, Jessica Dumas
  • Former Winnipeg Blue Bomber, Rod Hill
  • President of Len Dubois Inc, Jason Dubois
  • Farm Management Instructor Colin Penner
  • VP of MacDon, Gene Fraser
  • Steinbach Mayor, Chris Goertzen

This year, the participants set their own fund- raising goals. The idea is to make calls for donations through their contacts. They stay stranded until the pre-decided sum is reached.

Charity forms a Major Part of STARS Air Ambulance

STARS air ambulance is partly funded by the Manitoba government and the rest of the funds required are raised through charity. This year, the air ambulance company has conducted about 371 rescue missions compared to previous year’s 177 missions.

STARS air ambulance only responds to critical emergencies involving life-threatening health conditions or injuries. The air ambulance company operates from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

It maintains a 24-hour emergency medical communications center and caters to requests through industry partners or emergency responders. Every year, the air ambulance organization holds several awareness-raising and fun-raising campaigns throughout Western Canada. The current one has been one such event. It has been in service since the year 1985. The organization has over 450 volunteers throughout the country. It even comes up with lotteries to raise funds in order to stay afloat and help people.

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