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New York

Veteran Air Ambulance Warriors “Dustoff” Nominated for Congressional Medal


This is one bill that will probably go completely unopposed. Senators Joe Manchin and John Cornyn have recently introduced a piece of legislation that will allow the much deserved honor to the Vietnam veterans who were part of the air ambulance crew that saved hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the war-torn country. The elite group of brave air ambulance warriors will be awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.

The Bravery of These Air Ambulance Greats Goes Back to WW II

These soldiers had the reputation of flying the air ambulance in the most treacherous and deadly zones. Every air ambulance that flew was unarmed and only hosted the medical and flight crew members. According to one estimate about 900,000 lives were saved by these air ambulance warriors.

Their job was to ferry the wounded soldiers to the nearest United States medical facility so that they get appropriate treatment. Often times, the rescue meant putting their own lives to risk. These air ambulance crews had been in actions since the World War II and had continued their brave efforts during the cold war.

The Senators on the Air Ambulance Warriors

The air ambulance crews of the bygone era were popularly known as the Dustoffs. The bill that was introduced by the two senators was heartily welcomed by Vietnam Dustoff Association and Dustoff Association. They felt it was long-due recognition for the air ambulance warriors. Senator Cornyn termed their jobs as the most dangerous in the “deadliest” war zones in the “modern era”. Senator Manchin was also praise for the “resilience” and “courage” displayed by these life savers under fire.

The bipartisan bill has received immense support from various quarters including

  • Army Aviation Association of America
  • Association of the United States Army
  • American Legion
  • Veterans of Foreign Wars

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