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Remote Monitoring Technology and Medical Flights


When medical flights reach patients, the crew is not always certain what to expect at the scene. The primary reason behind this is the absence of medical information pertaining to the patient. This includes the heart condition, respiratory rate, pulse rate, temperature and blood pressure to name a few.

With the seamless connectivity that we have at our fingertips today, one wonders whether this information too can be relayed in real time so that the patient can benefit from more accurate care. What if such information can be passed on to medical flights wirelessly? While a decade ago, this might have seemed like science fiction, it is highly possible today. In fact, a ‘first of its kind’ implementation of such a technology is already here.

Royal Philips Partners Equips Medical Flights with the Power of Data

Royal Philips, the leader in healthcare technology, has come up with a ground-breaking innovation that it calls Enhanced Data Service or EDS. It records and transmits patient data during emergency in real time and transmits it over the internet. This well-thought-out solution even takes into consideration scenarios where internet bandwidth is limited. It compresses the data into packets so that they can be easily transmitted, while ensuring that there is no data loss.

The Tech Solution Makes Two-Way Data Transmission Possible

When there is an emergency, every second counts and expert advice matters. The two-way communication allows for experts on the ground to make pertinent medical recommendations to the crew onboard the medical flights. This in turn can enable the crew to deliver more effective treatment. The solution can drastically improve the survival chances of the patient onboard.

Data and Continuous Improvements

Patient data is stored securely by the solution and fed into a database that becomes food for new-age technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning. In essence, data becomes the building block for predictive analytics. The technology makes it easy to predict the health necessities of patients in medical flights well in advance.

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