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London Air Ambulance Services Gets a Huge Monetary Boost through Freemasons


Freemasons have been a part of the United Kingdom for long. This group of people has been shrouded with mystery and subject to speculations for tens of years. When this group came forward with the 2 million pound donation, it was quite a surprise for the London Air Ambulance Service. Prior to the Freemasons donating this huge amount to the air ambulance service, the collection had been hovering around the 500 thousand pound mark. The money was being raised under the Your London Your Helicopter initiative by this London Air Ambulance Service, which purely runs on charity by the people of London.

The Air Ambulance Service Needs to Raise 2 Million Pounds More

London Air Ambulance Service had set out to collect a total of 4.4 million pounds. Thanks to the Freemason Society, the air ambulance service has already reached the half-way mark. The Freemason Society had given a call for funds to its members who number more than 40,000 in London. It is a society of like-minded people with no political or religious intents. For a society that is most often viewed with suspicion, the Londoners would be happy with their generous move.

Why Did London Air Ambulance Service Need 4.4 Million Pounds?

The London Air Ambulance Service only had one chopper that it would press into service. This often meant downtimes during the night. Also, the air ambulance service would have to be halted whenever the choppers were sent for maintenance. Last year alone, London Air Ambulance Service was unavailable for 55 days owing to maintenance issues. A second chopper would allow the air ambulance charity to cater to an additional 400 people each year. The air ambulance service hopes to raise the remaining money quickly. It is largely relying on the 10 million people whose lives it touches through its charity services during emergencies.

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