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Medical Flight Staff Honored with Award for Saving Man’s Life


Two air ambulance staff members have been recognized with a prestigious award after they helped save the life of a man who suffered a cardiac arrest. Dr. Ali Husain, an air ambulance doctor, and Jenny Conway, a critical care paramedic for a medical flight were presented with the Excellence in Community award from the West Midlands Ambulance Service.

Award to Recognize the Staff’s Role in Saving Cardiac Arrest Patient

The Excellence in Community award was given to the two staff members to recognize their clinical skills as well as all round team work. It was in recognition to their efforts in saving the life of a man in his 40s, who had collapsed at a rugby club in Coventry. The man had been suffering a cardiac arrest. With the crew’s quick-thinking and life-saving action, the man was able to make a good recovery.

The Excellent in Community award is just one of the several excellence awards given out by West Midlands Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust. The air ambulance’s Director of Operations, Richard Clayton, has expressed how proud they are of the medical flight team that received the award.

Medical flight Team’s Access to Critical Care Equipment Helps in Saving Lives

The air ambulance team has been able to provide critical pre-hospital care to patients on-board their aircraft. The doctors and paramedics have access to drugs and equipment to be used for critical care and are normally only available at the hospital emergency. This highly-trained team was able to make use of the necessary equipment to help save the man’s life.

The charity does not receive government funding and survives mainly on donations from the generous public. They have to raise an additional £200,000 every year to ensure that their operations run smoothly.

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