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STAR Air Ambulance Service and Death of Nurse McLain


We had recently discussed the unfortunate death of Nurse Kristin McLain. After the tragedy had occurred in Barton Creek Greenbelt, the air ambulance service provider, STAR had stopped all emergency air ambulance services. The National Transportation Safety Board had taken cognisance of the matter.

What the Air Ambulance Service Attorney Said

Attorney Mike Slack had a few words about STAR Air Ambulance Service. Having been involved in the air ambulance industry for over two and a half decades, he opined that STARS Air Ambulance Service is certainly one of the best with an excellent past record. He also said, “Air ambulance accidents are actually all too common.” He also drew a comparison between the risks that miners face to the risks that air ambulance personnel face, and said that the risk level is second only to mining.

Investigation in the Air Ambulance Service Incident

National Transportation Safety Board had conducted the preliminary enquiry and released its findings. The findings only revealed what was already know. The fact that the hoist had spun when Nurse McLain was holding on to it and the spin had come to a halt once the chopper had moved away from the trees. Then, suddenly the nurse had somehow lost the grip of the hoist and plummeted to her death.

It should be noted in this regard that the investigation have continued. The National Transportation Safety Board had taken all the audio as well as video recordings for examination.

Attorney Slack earlier said that investigations like the one being conducted usually take up to two years to complete and most often the outcomes are not totally conclusive.

Air Ambulance Service Safety

The concerns about crew members and their safety have been in the news lately and Federal Aviation Administration has been busy implementing new safety standards that are being implemented in parts. The hope is that full implementation of the new safety standards will bring down the air ambulance service risks drastically.

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