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Tag: air ambulance safety

It has been reported that there has been an air ambulance crash in Philadelphia. The flight was carrying a pediatric patient. The names of the people onboard have not yet been disclosed. We bring you a wrap of what we know so far.
An Indian origin family was stranded in Kazakhstan recently with a medical emergency and a steep air ambulance cost. There are lessons to be learnt from their story.

Air Methods Medical Flight Services fined $1.5 Million

It was only a few years back in 2011 that an Air Methods medical flight crashed killing 4 people onboard. The same medical flight...

Air Ambulance Tragedy Results in Death of Pilot, Matt Mathews

Just as the air ambulance industry is gearing up to meet the new FAA standards, another tragedy has struck reminding the air ambulance industry...

Air Ambulance Transport Company, Air Methods Corp, in Trouble with Authorities Again

It was mid 2014 when Air Methods Corporation, a well-known air ambulance transport company was in trouble with the FAA. The regulatory authority had...

Pilot Shortage Affecting Medical Air Services

It is said that about a decade ago, the minimum flight time requirement of medical air services was around 3000 hours, but today this...

This Innovative US Air Ambulance Company uses Simulation for Training

EagleMed, a US Air Ambulance company, has come up with an innovative method to train its clinical practitioners through a Mobile Air Medical Education...

FAA Confirms the Date for Air Ambulance Safety Rule Implementation

After several delays, the Federal Aviation Administration has finally confirmed that the new air ambulance safety rules will go into effect from April 22,...

The Focus Shifts on Medical Air Transportation Safety

Aircrafts that are meant to save lives sometimes go down and end up taking lives away. Take for instance the recent New Mexico medical...

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