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Air Ambulance News You Can Trust


Innovation and charity were the highlights in the air ambulance world recently. We have curated a few newsworthy pieces that you must take a look at.

Making Air Ambulance Disinfection Less Cumbersome

The COVID-19 situation that has gripped the world has changed the way air ambulance disinfection takes place. Medical flight operators across the world have been finding ways to make the process less cumbersome while remaining effective. In this regard, UK’s Midlands Air Ambulance has worked together with the aircraft manufacturer Airbus to come up with Dismozon which is believed to be highly effective in killing the COVID-19 virus and its variants.

Close to home, in Canada, VitalOxide is being employed to clean air ambulance vehicles. It is EPA registered and meets the standards set by Boeing. The disinfectant is believed to be non-toxic and highly effective.

Across the industry, operators are veering towards medical durables that can be easily cleaned and disinfected, bringing down the whole effort involved considerably.

A Not-for-Profit Air Ambulance Alliance in the United States

It is not every day that we use not-for-profit and air ambulances in the same sentence in the United States. Recently, Life Flight Network and Life Link III have come together for one such program. The intent is to serve the local community by improving safety and operational efficiency. A letter of intent has been signed regarding the same.

A Tech Donation for Air Ambulance Charity

Communication has been a challenge amid the COVID-19 situation for most industries and the air ambulance industry has been no exception. Most support staff today work from home and keeping in touch with the team is a challenge. In view of this, the popular electronic store, Currys, has donated eight iPads to the staff of a charitable air ambulance organization based out of Newark. The recipient of the donation was Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire Air Ambulance.

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