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Internet of Things Could be the Future of Medical Flight Industry


Disruption is the new norm today where technologies such as Internet of Things are taking the world by storm. No industry today remains untouched by such new-age technology, let alone the medical flight industry. But let’s first briefly understand what exactly Internet of Things or IoT is. In simple words, it is the technology that blows life into lifeless machines. This is achieved by embedding small devices in machines that are capable of collecting data related to the condition, location and other details pertaining to a machine such as a medical flight. These tiny devices do not stop there; they transmit this information to a receiving device in a control room and display it on a dashboard – in other words, a computer screen.

How Can it Help the Medical Flights?

One has to look at medical flights in a mesh of connected equipments. For instance, an IoT device installed in a car can transmit the condition of the car and its occupants to a control room, in the event of an automobile accident. The control room then analyzes the data received from the car automatically and if it is deemed that an air ambulance is warranted, the program simply looks for the nearest one by tapping into the data that the IoT device in the air ambulance constantly transmits. A signal is sent to the air ambulance to respond to the emergency and it flies straight to the accident site – all this can happen within a matter of seconds.

Internet of Things is Not Science Fiction

The technology is already being used in several industries successfully. In fact, many experts are predicting that this technology will bring about the next wave of industrial revolution where machines are smart and able to interact. The best thing about this technology is that a machine, like a medical flight, does not have to be designed around it. All it takes is an IoT device to enable a lifeless machine to communicate.

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