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Tag: News

Ireland Awaits Air Ambulance Services

It’s hard to believe that Ireland does not have its own charity air ambulance services, while the neighboring countries do. The country has, for...

Air Ambulance and Cambodian Bar Advertisement

East Anglian Air Ambulance has found its way to the headlines several times but all for the right reasons. With personalities like the Prince...

Wyoming Seeks to Tackle Medical Air Transportation Costs

Recently, Wyoming passed a legislation aimed at tackling issues surrounding medical air transportation cost and coverage. It demanded that the Wyoming Department of Health...

Air Ambulance Highlights from Around the World

The last week was full of interesting developments in the air ambulance world. Here, we highlight a few of them. Florida Air Ambulance Company offers...

Farmers Raise £200,000 for Air Ambulance in Ireland

Air Ambulance Northern Ireland is a lifesaver for the rural farmers of Ireland. Far too many incidents occur that demand immediate medical attention and...

Air Ambulance Company Does Not Give Up Looking for Missing Crew

It was only recently that we brought to light the news that an air ambulance belonging to Guardian Flight had gone missing in Kake,...

Department of Defense Honors Leadership of REVA Air Ambulance

The Department of Defense honored the leadership team of REVA air ambulance recently. The recipients were the company’s President and Chief Operating Officer, Shannon...

International Air Ambulance Breaks Down in a Tier-Two Indian City

Booking an international air ambulance is an expensive affair but a necessity when one falls sick while travelling overseas. Now imagine this – your...

Wyoming Leads the Way in Making Medical Air Transport Affordable

Lawmakers in Wyoming are making an attempt to move all the health insurance holders of Medicaid such that they get medical air transport coverage....

Air Ambulance in Northern Ireland Experienced Technical Glitch

Northern Ireland Air Ambulance came into existence after great community efforts where the entire country came together to form this charity. The organization was...

Medical Flight Service Employee Arrested for Fraud

Timothy Lookabaugh is a 58 years old man who was recently fired from his job as a Director of Medical Services at Air Ambulance...

Wiltshire Air Ambulance Resumes Service

Recently, we had reported that Wiltshire Air Ambulance – a charitable organization that largely depends on public funding to stay afloat – had to...

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