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Air Ambulance

Cyber Attack Targets London’s well-known Air Medical Transport Company

Air medical transport companies are well trusted throughout the United Kingdom, mainly owing to the fact that these are charities and mostly supported by...

A Few Facts About US Air Ambulance Industry

There are several fascinating facts about the US air ambulance industry that people hardly know about. Here, we bright to light some of these...

Federal Investigation Findings into 2016 Air Ambulance Transport Crash

Investigations into air ambulance transport mishaps can go on for years as they are always extremely detailed and tedious. The federal investigation into air...

Why is Medical Air Transportation Industry Worried about FAA Reauthorization Bill?

There has been a huge push to bring the medical air transportation industry under the ambit of state regulations. The efforts by the state...

Is it Right to Blame the Air Ambulance Companies for High Costs?

A lot has been said recently about the high bills that arise from availing life-saving services offered by air ambulance companies. Most often, the...

Suspicion of Airambulance Being Contaminated with Nerve Agent

Recently, nerve agent poisoning of a couple in the United Kingdom has made headlines. It was found that the couple – Dawn Sturgess and...

Company Resumes Air Ambulance Flights After Crash

A few weeks ago, in April, we had reported an air ambulance crash where the pilot, the flight nurse and paramedic had lost their...

Factors that are Fueling the Air Ambulance Market Growth

The air ambulance market in the United States and around the world has seen a steep growth despite the rising costs. Of course, cost...

Chicago Medical Flight Crash: Investigations Make Some Headway

We had recently reported a medical flight crash in suburban Chicago. The pilot who had given a mayday call first, had eventually crashed the...

Air Ambulance Service Takes Some Time Off with Locals

Air ambulance services are always quick to respond, especially when they get an emergency call. The last thing that the crew expects in situations...

This Airambulance Donation by the Canadian Family is Quite Unique

There was nothing out of the ordinary that day as the Verwey brothers were going about their evening with the radio on. Just then,...

Air Ambulance Crash Lands in Suburban Chicago

It was a normal day on Interstate 57 during the last weekend and vehicles were plying across the busy road as usual. Late in...

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